My eBooks

I am very, very proud of “The Leftovers Handbook” and the fact that I am a real published writer (I reserve the word "author" for those clever people who write fiction) but I am now enjoying the much quicker and more controllable process of self-publishing lots of informative foodie ebooks in an attempt to teach the World to cook ~ or at least a few of its inmates!

I am writing a series of books called ...

~   Suzy Bowler’s Key Recipes   ~

During all my years cooking around the world I have developed several great, super-flexible base recipes which would probably be useful to other people. I am writing these books with the idea is that by using the key recipe and the helpful suggestions you will soon be serving your own spectacular creations.

The first in this series is …

This is the quickest and easiest way ever to make real rich, creamy dairy ice cream ~ no machine needed, no hard work just mix it, bung it in the freezer and forget it! Read more about it here - including reviews but I'd just like to mention this one, from a lady in Italy, no less ...

“The grandchildren never had so much ice cream and so good as this.”

Following on from this, I wrote a companion volume ...

These don’t need a machine either. This book contains about 40 recipes plus ideas and suggestions including serving suggestions and what to do with leftovers!  Lots more info here.

Next I wrote ...

All 50 of these delicious soup recipes are based on one easy flexible key recipe - details here.

Fourth in the series is ...

There’s so very much more to this simple scone recipe than one would imagine! Not only can it be varied to create any sweet or savoury scone, American biscuit, griddle cake or rock bun you can think of, not only is it the base recipe for many traditional and ancient dishes but it also make lovely fluffy dumplings, crisp doughnuts, cobblers, turnovers, pie crusts and more. Read all about it here!

One Offs!

I have also written two “One Offs”, so far ...

After a fair bit of research these seem to me to be the most convincingly aphrodisiac foods and I offer them together with some background on each one, some ideas of what to do with them and a little bit about their nutritional benefits plus a brief mention of other, seemingly lesser, aphrodisiacs.

I have also included one or two rather suggestive food photos, some rude comments and, of course, double entendres.

Catering for Christmas can be time consuming, tiring and a bit stressy, so here are some suggestions to make it quicker, easier, more relaxed and perhaps more impressive! This booklet contains a collection of quick ideas and recipes I have used over the years to impress guests and customers without knackering myself!

Included are over 50 interesting recipes such as The Quickest, Easiest, Smoothest and Richest Chicken Liver Pâté I know, a super easy but Really Luxurious Bread Sauce and a gorgeous no-churn Christmas Pudding Ice Cream. I have also added every useful idea, hint and tip I can think of! 

Yule be glad you read it! 

Also ... these two which are on me!

If you haven’t already got it please don’t forget to download your free copy of “219 Cooking Tips & Techniques you might find useful” which is available in all formats – see here – and includes a link for another free book “Easy Ways to Pimp your Food”.

~    My Amazon Author Page in the UK
~    My Amazon Author Page in the US
~    My Smashwords Profile Page - for these books in all sorts of formats.