Inexplicably lunch is my Favourite Meal of
the Day and nearly every lunchtime I remark to anyone who is interested
(surprisingly few people are) how delicious my food is.
A few years ago I started playing a game; I refuse to plan ahead but when it’s almost lunchtime I start mentally scanning the fridge and cupboards to see what there is and what might need using up (I cannot abide waste, my dears, and keep every little scrap). I then combine my finds in a delicious way and eat them! Cunning.
A few years ago I started playing a game; I refuse to plan ahead but when it’s almost lunchtime I start mentally scanning the fridge and cupboards to see what there is and what might need using up (I cannot abide waste, my dears, and keep every little scrap). I then combine my finds in a delicious way and eat them! Cunning.